It'll take thirty minutes max

It'll take thirty minutes max didn't


3 min read

while writing this article I had this realisation that it's a lot more personal than it should be, but I'm liking the style and would keep it that way

You are to build a project which looks relatively basic so you put it off like any self-respecting procrastinator would ๐Ÿค .

This line of thought hinges on "oh that? It'll barely take any time". I mean it would be most logical to complete it there and then since it's that easy eh? But no no no, we don't do that here.

Without further intro, this is a team-krypton write-up on our very first reactJS project.

It started with some names on a spreadsheet grouped into a team, all strangers by the way. So someone has to step up, organize and create the actual group (I didn't want to be that person - and I wasn't *whew). I'd say we were in the last 5% of teams to finally get organized (purely anecdotal), looks like an obvious sign to hurry up and get building you would think, but following the procrastinator mantra "there's still time".

N.B: I speak for myself, my teammates are diligent, time-conscious individuals hopefully.

Krypton doesn't necessarily have a lead (decentralized organization for the win Yayy ๐Ÿฅณ). We created an organization on GitHub then a repo and all teammates were added as members.

slept at this point while writing, the rest is straight to the point and less personal, woke up and I've missed the deadline for the 3rd time ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I wrote the basic functionality and my teammate did most of the styling. Controlled-component is a really fun feature in react, rather than having variables everywhere, the app can simply read from a global state. In other words, multiple components can use the same state. In ours, the input field updates the state, and the state value is rendered in the input field. Both components share the same data, and it is definitely awesome.

It took about two days before we were done ๐Ÿ˜…. Now came deployment, I could have sworn this would be the easiest thing to do only for the build to fail eight times.


Two different teammates were assigned for the deployment and they both reported build failure. I tried mine and it was a build failure after the other, the logs kept failing on warnings that were glossed over in local development. Turns out Netlify CI (Continuous Integration)is set to treat warnings as errors and until all warnings are resolved the build would keep failing. We had to fix the main warnings then set "CI environmental variable to false" which stopped the build from treating warnings as errors and tada, project completed Yayyyy ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ.
